Simple Money Saving Ideas

Jul 27

Just take a pledge to make the most out of your income. And by that we mean, a larger portion of your income should go in a savings jar. Did you know how much money you can save using Chiquito deals on dine-outs?

Spending money sounds like a job well-done but saving it takes courage, will-power and most importantly, an aim to do something fruitful with it. One area where you can save is home-maintenance. Regular upkeep can prevent costly repairs down the line. For instance, getting your drainage system checked through a Drainage Specialist by Express Drainage Solutions, can save you from expensive plumbing emergencies. This can help you avoid any unexpected expenses.

We took out some time and gathered a few money saving ideas that we’ve seen people implementing for years so why don’t you give it a go.

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1. Reduce Food Expenses

Just take a look at the yearly diet spent ratio of people who follow different diets:

  • Expert athlete diet = $9,048
  • Fitness freak diet = $8,632
  • Couch potato diet = $16,016
  • Bodybuilder diet = $8,476
  • Strongman contestant diet = $8,268

This might you a slight idea of much does an individual spend yearly on food. Now imagine how much can you save if you reduce half of its cost and eat healthy at home?

2. Reduce household bills

Often, you can simply call up your utility companies and ask to be placed on a cheaper tariff. Utility companies are sneaky and will edge up the cost of their service in the hope that you don’t notice, but if you call them up and say you’ve found a cheaper price at a rival company and you’re thinking about switching, they’ll put the price down for you because they’d rather you stay with them.

On top of this, you can look at reducing your household consumption. Consider getting a tankless hot water heater, for example, by visiting or a similar site that serves your local area. This will help to lower your water and electricity usage, resulting in cheaper bills. Other things you can do is change all of your lights to LED and insulate your loft. The more efficient your consumption is, the lower your bills will be.

3. Don’t Overbuy Stuff

Stick to your list while going out for shopping. Over-buying stuff while supermarket run is the main reason we spend more than we earn. Instead, use Chiquito deals vouchers to save big on food items.

Supermarkets play a trick by displaying all yummy items on the front display to gradually attract you towards things that you wouldn’t buy anyway.

Although, they do get successful as you always end up buying something extra in hand. Which you wouldn’t have bought otherwise.

It is recommended to avoid buying items in bulk because most of the stuff goes expired before you even get a chance to use it.

4. Look for Side Hustles

If you’re already doing a tough job and still not earning enough to spend on your desires than the internet is full of opportunities to earn money online by spending less time and still earn enough.

5. Cut Down On Your Extra Expenses

Cutting down on expenses has always been advisable if there is a cash crunch, or if you need to save money. There are many ways to go about it. For starters, you could save on expenses by using gift cards, vouchers, and coupons. These will help you make expensive purchases at relatively lower rates. And if you have any remaining that you don’t need, you could Sell gift card collection and get cash in exchange for them.

Next, you could cut down on subscriptions. Take Netflix for instance. We agree that entertainment is a must in life but spending one hack of a big amount of Netflix subscription every month is drainage. Try cutting it down this month and see if you can still survive.

The same applies on Saturday nights when you hang out with friends and spend money all night without evaluating the total amount of a month. Also if you have health insurance, make sure that you are not overpaying – it is worth using comparison sites to check where you can get the best deal.

6. Pay-Off Your Debts

Being under debts for a long time already demotivates you to think of saving money because you are obliged to pay every month instalments as well as increased interest every year.

Paying off your entire debts as soon as possible is the first thing you should keep in mind.

7. Put A Limit On Greet & Gifts

If you are one of those who believe in greeting gifts every time then this might be one of the reasons you are unable to save money. Either expensive or cheap – frequent gifts, treats or parties can add up a big amount at the end.